Adjusting your weight distribution within your fighting stance can help you become trickier to hit. How, you may ask?
Let's dive into the world of the 70/30 (70% of your weight on the front leg) Muay Femur stance. In this blog post, we will cover the advantages and disadvantages of this unique weight distribution. Let's start with....
The Stance:
As shown in the following diagram, this stance is about shoulder width. It leaves the power leg lighter and, therefore, easier to use for powerful attacks and counters.
Oftentimes, the back heel is raised to make a smooth transition to this weight distribution (notice it next time you watch an evasive fighter perform). It is very important to remember to stay balanced. Do not allow the head to pass the front toes. Although there is a weight shift forward, it can't be so exaggerated that now it becomes 90/10, falling over your feet.
The Bait:
The beauty of this stance comes from its illusion of having a desirable target closer to the opponent; the head. Hence, enticing an opponent to “take the bait,” only to have it be taken away by a shift back of the target.
In this stance, we have more wiggle room to pull back our head to a safe spot, as opposed to pulling back from the center or further back. Heck, you can move 90% of your body out of the way of almost any attack with this simple shift back!
The Weapons:
As we briefly discuss, the fighter's power side is released. Some of these weapons include, but are not limited to: the back leg round kick, the cross, power hook, back leg knee strike, and various elbow strikes. Remember, a Muay Femur is an evasive, tricky, counter-strike. Moves such as:
are commonly used by a Muay Femur, and the 70/30 stance allows for easier/quicker access to these moves.
Funny enough, the jab may become more effective in this stance, since it is now slightly closer to the opponent. The jab also combines expertly with the concept of baiting (a Muay Femur's favorite tactic). The jab is used to control the distance and as a feeler of that same distance, enabling the fighter to react quicker to incoming attacks, whether that is by countering right away or by making an opponent miss their shots.
This weight distribution carries a higher risk since more of the body (especially the head) is exposed. The fighter does this on purpose to be able to bait and counter.
However, that does not eliminate the risk factor. Some fighters may get too cocky and leave themselves wide open thinking the opponent will only throw one attack, but to their surprise, may instead throw 2-3-4 long weapons in sequence. Getting a Muay Femur now caught at the end of their back foot and unable to pull back any further.
Staying most of the time in a 70/30 stance can also leave your front leg exposed to low kicks. Any pull-back counter moves 90% of the body out of the way of harm quickly. Then where is the missing 10%? That would be that front leg, which does move but moves last. A fighter can take more damage to a leg than he/she could to the head (common sense). Nonetheless, taking too much damage here can be painful, make it harder to move, and even end a fight due to cumulative damage.
Although a 70/30 stance is a favorite used by many Muay Femurs due to its ability to bait opponents into traps, a Muay Femur uses all the stances. He/she is a mastermind in all ranges, including the clinch, and swiftly shifts between weight distributions to access different weapons and strategies.
A Muay Femur will not completely stay in a 70/30 weight distribution always. This stance is just a favorite to really open up their counter game and give spectators those fantastic KOs and superhuman evasive abilities we all love.