DODGE 90% OF ALL ATTACKS! 70/30 Muay Femur Fighting Style

Adjusting your weight distribution within your fighting stance can help you become trickier to hit. How, you may ask? 

Let's dive into the world of the 70/30 (70% of your weight on the front leg) Muay Femur stance. In this blog post, we will cover the advantages and disadvantages of this unique weight distribution. Let's start with....

The Stance:

As shown in the following diagram, this stance is about shoulder width. It leaves the power leg lighter and, therefore, easier to use for powerful attacks and counters. 

Oftentimes, the back heel is raised to make a smooth transition to this weight distribution (notice it next time you watch an evasive fighter perform). It is very important to remember to stay balanced. Do not allow the head to pass the front toes. Although there is a weight shift forward, it can't be so exaggerated that now it becomes 90/10, falling over your feet.

The Bait:

The beauty of this stance comes from its illusion of having a desirable target closer...

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